2023! This will be the year that we as educators, parents, administrators and community leaders will intentionally start infusing bold strategies and resources into our academic “dismantling racism toolkit.”
As an educator, I understand the frustration of not being adequately equipped to address challenging issues with our students. Racism is one of the most contentiously challenging enigmas. Especially when they initiate thought-provoking questions. Throughout my 20 + years in the classroom, my students have posed questions to me trying to grasp the complexities of race. Each year my teaching skills and classroom resources changing in order to accommodate these inquiries. This past school year - after speaking with teachers from the east and west coast - I realized that we do not really have access to tangible sources that focus solely on racism. We need resources that do; especially because of the climate of our nation. Our students have questions. They are looking to us for understanding and answers.
In 2021, I will be presenting a Workshop and Conversation centered around the lesson plan that I developed: Culturally Competent Lesson Plans “The Origins of Racism” (2nd Edition) The first session will outline the lesson plans and how they can be implemented. The second session will be you the attendee having “The Conversation” with fellow participants. This activity will help you in at least two ways: 1) To have an idea of what students may experience during classroom discussions on the subject of racism. 2) To help you begin the process of recognizing that sometimes the conversations may be challenging and stir up discomfort; yet, with consistency you can develop your own strategies on how to approach the subject matter.
Let my manual alleviate some of that burden for you! I created 15 lesson plans for you to utilize and apply with your students. Though they are geared towards history teachers, social studies, ethnic studies, current event issues, multicultural and or/inclusive educators, other academic specializations can benefit as well. The plans offer resources and conversational points that most educators will find useful to help guide and set the tone for having “the Conversation” on racism, its origins, and impact.
The venue, time and date will be posted by late Spring (2020). Pre-registration is open. The first 10 to register will get a free copy of the manual when they attend the workshop. For inquiries contact me through the contact form (just hit the link) or you can contact me directly:
*The date for this event is tentative. It is not official yet! Please keep checking back for the date and venue confirmation!