Who should be correcting History Curriculum?
/A major debate being had in melanated communities is the misinformation (or lack of) regarding BIPOC and their contributions.
Who should be at the table with social studies curriculum development?
You want to get the conversation on race started? Here are monthly questions designed to help you have an open and honest dialogue, with friends, family, and/or community. This is a platform for you to address undoing racism.
A major debate being had in melanated communities is the misinformation (or lack of) regarding BIPOC and their contributions.
Who should be at the table with social studies curriculum development?
What role should politics have in race? Should it be leading the narrative?
Scientific Racism: Is it really a ‘thing’?
Why aren’t medical institutions being held accountable for racist practices and beliefs? How do we as a nation address it?
There are debates that are raging about which “type” of racism is more damaging and dangerous. Which one do you think is more insidious?
What is a good “Conversation Starting” question or phrase to open up the dialogue on addressing racism?
Can racism be measured? Are statistics needed when having conversations about it and when trying to understand it?
When it comes to racism are you holding yourself accountable? Are you doing the research to understand it? Does you think that you should?
Is Net Neutrality a Social Justice issue? How does the Social Justice community protect its community from the censorship problems that can arise?
Is racism bi-partisan or does it transcend it?
When a marginalized people’s image is being used for sports entertainment, yet, it hurts the perception of the community - especially its youth what responsibility does society have in addressing such a serious matter? If the marginalized community asks society to stop due to the racial history surrounding the mascot - isn’t society supposed to cease such harmful actions?
Will racism always exist? Do you believe that it can never be erased?
Are you equipped to have “the Conversation?” If so, what strategies or methods do you use?
If you are not ready - why not?
Thanksgiving has become a controversial holiday due to its original origins. Should the holiday be renamed, its meaning re-vamped or should it just be stopped being practiced all together?
How do we address the way that racism affects how people are treated because their hair may be too “ethnic?”
Should corporations be held accountable for advertisements, commercials, and other media venues that utilize and capitalize off of marginalized communities identity, by culturally appropriating them? Why or Why not? If yes, what should that accountability look like?
How do you handle racist situations with family members that display the behavior - implicitly or intentionally?
Is telling someone to go back to where their ancestors came from (i.e. Africa, Mexico, etc) racist? Why or why not?
Should the topic of Reparations be a topic discussed on the election platform?
How do we as a society combat environmental injustices? As we speak to date, the Standing Rock Reservation is fighting to stop the transfer of oil up under their main water source (i.e. Missouri Rives) and residents of Flint Michigan still does not have access to clean water; they are still in crisis.